The Chibi Bar series is featured by the critically acclaimed Yami Vapor who has released four innovative vapor flavors this year. The Yami brand is known for its smooth feel and tasty flavor combinations and expands on it through their new line of E-Liquids. Chibi Bar is an innovative series of granola flavored E-Liquids that will delight vape users and keep them coming back for more.
Yami Vapor is one of the most exciting new e-juice brands. It specializes in granola e-liquid flavors that are original and fresh. Chibi Bar e-liquid is one of the brand’s most successful flavor lines. It includes delights such as Choconola and Fruitnola.
Yami Vapor Chibi Bar is more than just a great-tasting granola e-juice. It also has a great consistency for huge clouds of vapor. The ingredients in these designer blends are of the highest quality. You will definitely taste the difference with Chibi Bar by Yami Vapor. Best of all, these e-juices require no additional steeping when you receive them. Just add them to your favorite sub tank and experience the pleasures of a premium vape juice blend